
歌手Owl City 所属专辑The Midsummer Station Acoustic EP 发行时间20130730 发行公司 Universal 歌词对照Close your tired eyes, relax and then 闭上你疲倦的双眼,放轻松点 Count from 1 to 10 and open。

中英对照歌词I’m tired of waking up in tears Cos I can’t put to bed these phobias and fears 每个带着泪水醒来的清晨正渐渐将owlcity中文歌词我的心折磨得千疮百孔,因为我无法带着那无比沉重的恐惧感入睡I’m new to。


Owl City Panda Bear I’m moving to Tokyo 我搬去了东京 Cuz I’m tired of San Francisco 因为在洛杉矶我累了 My contracts are finally void 我的合同最终无效 And I am getting out 我搬出去了 On houses。


And they had that special grace That special spirt that says Give me a challenge, and I#39ll meet it with joyowlcity中文歌词他们独特的精神汇成一句话给我一个挑战的机遇,然后我会笑着去迎接它The crew of the space。

Owl City The Bird And The Worm If you#39re the bird Whenever we pretend it#39s summer Then I#39m the worm I know the part, it#39s such a bummer But fair is fair If my segments get seperated I#39ll。

LZ 我有些意译的,感觉理解更通顺些~能力有限,外加困了希望满意歌曲To The Sky 向天空 歌手Owl City Shipwreck in the sea of faces,迷失在茫茫人海 There#39s a dreamy world up there,就在那里 有一个梦幻。

Owl City To The Sky Shipwreck in the sea of faces,There#39s a dreamy world up there,Dear friends in higher places,Carry me away from here,Travel light let the sun eclipse you, #39Cause your flight is。

Hello Seattle, I am a mountaineer In the hills and highlands I fall asleep in hospital parking lots And awake in your house Hello Seattle, I am a manteray Deep beneathe the blue waves I#39ll crawl the。

On the wing 羽翼之上 Owl City Breathe and I’ll carry you away into the velvet sky 深深呼吸,我将要把你带入这天鹅绒般柔软光滑的天空And we’ll stir the stars around 我们会唤醒周围的每一颗星星,And。

Vanilla Twilight 香草黄昏 The stars lean down to kiss you 星星俯身吻你,And I lie awake and miss you 我清醒地躺着,默默想念你 Pour me a heavy dose of atmosphere 请在我周围散布下大剂量的我们在一起时的。

I opened my eyes last night and saw you in the low light 昨夜我睁开眼,看见你在昏暗的灯光下 walking down by the bay, on the shore, staring up at the stars that aren’t there anymore 沿着海湾走下去。

这是OC版歌词翻译 今晚我再次踏入此地 继续强颜欢笑 There I was again tonight forcing laughter, faking smiles 同样在这个陈旧充满寂寞的地方 Same old tired, lonely place 每个人都假装友善 Walls of insincerity 当我。

Owl City单曲 歌手简介猫头鹰之城乐队是一支来自美国明尼苏达州的电子音乐乐队乐队仅由一名成员组成亚当·扬Adam·Young亚当·扬于2007年创建了该乐队,并且担任乐队的主唱编曲创作混音合成工作猫头鹰之城。

Tokyo Athlete I am Tokyo,I am here I am blazing lights on your street I#39m an upstart,bound to cross you I#39m the hypocrite by your side She won#39t forget And I won#39t forget And no one around could。

