eat中文歌词(i like to eat eat eat什么歌)

1 Eenie Meenie Eenie meenie miney mo 我们来猜猜拳 Catch a bad chick by her toe 用她eat中文歌词的脚趾抓住一只小鸡 If she holla if, if, if she holla let her go 如果她大声叫就让她走 Shes indecisive 她犹豫不。

以下是英文中文歌词英文歌词Set fire to your hair Poke a stick at a grizzly bear Eat medicines that’s out of date Use your private parts as piranha bait Dumb ways to die So many dumb ways to die。

eat中文歌词(i like to eat eat eat什么歌)

歌词听得越多,震撼越多它是奇迹吗,我是流行音乐eat中文歌词的产物吗For shizzle my whizzle this is the plot listen up you bizzles forgot slizzle does not give a fuck这是自己的事,情节如此,听自己的话,忘记一切。

So we don#39t eat until your father#39s at the table 谨遵家规,凡事有先不容造次 We don#39t drink until the devil#39s turned to dust 坚守本心,祈愿恶魔早日归土 Never once has any man I#39ve met been able to。

Baby I#39m preying on you tonight 宝贝 今晚等著被我捕猎 Hunt you down, eat you alive 捕获eat中文歌词你的真心 吞噬你的生命 Just like animals, animals 就像 动物 动物 Like animals animals 就像只 猎食动物 Maybe you。

Eat a pill stay and chill you don#39t needa go 吃下爱情的药丸感受激情,你不要离开 I#39m about to bring emo back if you leave my home 假若你离开我家,我会召回激烈的爱 I#39d panic at the disco and you#39。

中文歌词大意给我自由,给我激情,给我激励,让我飞翔 随冠军的心驰骋绿茵场 凝聚一起,让我们感受荣耀辉煌 摆脱心中的束缚,我们昂首走在大街上 欢庆的气氛感染着你我,还有天下万邦 永远保有年轻的心,在阳光下尽情歌唱。

eat中文歌词(i like to eat eat eat什么歌)

