I Feel The Light歌词谐音 Little Glee Monster日语

歌词译编辑了日语歌“Little Glee Monster-I Feel The Light”的歌词中文谐音,让想学“I Feel The Light”歌曲的更直观的用中文谐音,看歌词谐音唱歌,通俗易懂,助您快速学会I Feel The Light歌曲,歌词来源于生活,下面一起来通过歌词谐音学唱I Feel The Light。
I Feel The Light歌曲歌词谐音

那你某咔某嘎夫阿嗯带 那米大西带大黑比
大几呀嘎啊带子嘎嗯大 一吗弄 黑嘎里
I feel the light
Wanna catch my star alright
Feeling way too hot tonight where we are
Our future's bright
Ladies need to feel like me
They say we drive the boys so crazy
I feel the light
Our future's bright
Rhythm is the bridge to your heart
You can feel this music right where you are
If you want to dance well you can
Take a chance
Take a chance
So we say
Tu tu tu tu tu tu tu tu tu
Tu tu tu tu tu tu tu tu tu
Feet to the floor hand in the air
Let's have a good time
Tu tu tu tu tu tu tu tu tu
Tu tu tu tu tu tu tu tu tu
There ain't no waiting
Everybody have a good time
kii足一带一那一带 开带 kiu大一那七嘎啦
口勾喽你黑买带路嗯大 报哭某 kii米某
I feel the light
Wanna catch my star alright
Feeling way too hot tonight where we are
Our future's bright
Ladies need to feel like me
They say we drive the boys so crazy
I feel the light
Our future's bright
咔嗯几带路黑嘎 里 咔嘎呀哭米啦 一
I feel like you know
西嗯几带米又我 又 kii口哎路我斗 哦
Baby you know
I feel the light
Wanna catch my star alright
Feeling way too hot tonight where we are
Our future's bright
Ladies need to feel like me
They say we drive the boys so crazy
I feel the light
Our future's bright
Our future's bright
Tu tu tu tu hot tonight
Tu tu tu tu feel alright
Tu tu tu tu hot tonight
Our future's bright
Tu tu tu tu hot tonight
Tu tu tu tu feel alright
Tu tu tu tu hot tonight
I feel the light

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