


1、《Can You Feel the Love Tonight》

《Can You Feel the Love Tonight》是动画电影《狮子王》的插曲,由英国歌手艾尔顿·约翰演唱,由艾尔顿·约翰作曲、蒂姆·莱斯作词,收录在电影《狮子王》的原声带中,发行于1994年5月12日。


2、《My Heart Will Go On》

《My Heart Will Go On》是加拿大女歌手席琳·迪翁演唱的一首流行歌曲,歌词、曲谱由詹姆斯·霍纳和威尔·詹宁斯编写,后者负责音乐制作。该歌曲作为1997年电影《泰坦尼克号》的主题曲,于1997年12月8日通过哥伦比亚唱片公司发布。

《My Heart Will Go On》登上美国、英国、加拿大、德国、法国、丹麦、比利时等18国音乐排行榜第一名,并拿下多周冠军。1998年,《My Heart Will Go On》分别获得由第70届奥斯卡金像奖和第55届金球奖颁发的“最佳原创歌曲”奖。

3、《Let It Go》

《Let It Go》是华特迪士尼动画工作室的2013年动画电影《冰雪奇缘》的主题曲,由克里斯汀·安德森-洛佩兹和罗伯特·洛佩兹作曲作词。在电影冰雪奇缘中,伊迪娜·门泽尔为主角艾莎配音并配唱,而收录于《冰雪奇缘》官方音乐带里是迪斯尼歌手黛米·洛瓦托版的《Let It Go》。

2014年3月2日晚,《Let It Go》获得第86届奥斯卡最佳原创歌曲奖,伊迪娜·门泽尔在现场演唱了此曲。




5、《Falling Slowly》

《Falling Slowly》是爱尔兰音乐电影《Once》中的一首插曲,由爱尔兰音乐人格伦·汉塞德(Glen Hansard)和 捷克音乐女孩玛可塔·伊尔格洛娃(Marketa Irglova)创作并演唱。


最佳歌曲 《川流熙攘》

你到百度mp3里面去找,输入It s Hard Out Here For A Pimp就可以了,我刚刚看了奥斯卡,我觉得这首歌很好听

[00:11.48]You know it\’s hard out here for a pimp (you ain\’t knowin)

[00:14.23]When he tryin to get this money for the rent (you ain\’t knowin)

[00:17.26]For the Cadillacs and gas money spent (you ain\’t knowin)

[00:20.26]Because a whole lot of bitches talkin shit (you ain\’t knowin)

[00:23.16]You know it\’s hard out here for a pimp (you ain\’t knowin)

[00:26.24]When he tryin to get this money for the rent (you ain\’t knowin)

[00:29.27]For the Cadillacs and gas money spent (you ain\’t knowin)

[00:32.27]Will have a whole lot of bitches jumpin ship (you ain\’t knowin)


[00:35.38]In my eyes I done seen some crazy thangs in the streets

[00:38.26]Gotta couple hoes workin on the changes for me

[00:41.11]But I gotta keep my game tight like Kobe on game night

[00:44.41]Like takin from a ho don\’t know no better, I know that ain\’t right

[00:47.41]Done seen people killed, done seen people deal

[00:49.86]Done seen people live in poverty with no meals

[00:53.51]It\’s fucked up where I live, but that\’s just how it is

[00:56.34]It might be new to you, but it\’s been like this for years

[00:59.29]It\’s blood sweat and tears when it come down to this shit

[01:02.59]I\’m tryin to get rich \’fore I leave up out this bitch

[01:05.38]I\’m tryin to have thangs but it\’s hard fo\’ a pimp

[01:08.18]But I\’m prayin and I\’m hopin to God I don\’t slip, yeah


[01:11.02]You know it\’s hard out here for a pimp (you ain\’t knowin)

[01:13.81]When he tryin to get this money for the rent (you ain\’t knowin)

[01:16.91]For the Cadillacs and gas money spent (you ain\’t knowin)

[01:19.80]Because a whole lot of bitches talkin shit (you ain\’t knowin)

[01:23.31]You know it\’s hard out here for a pimp (you ain\’t knowin)

[01:26.28]When he tryin to get this money for the rent (you ain\’t knowin)

[01:29.34]For the Cadillacs and gas money spent (you ain\’t knowin)

[01:32.71]Will have a whole lot of bitches jumpin ship (you ain\’t knowin)


[01:34.65]Man it seems like I\’m duckin dodgin bullets everyday

[01:37.87]Niggaz hatin on me cause I got, hoes on the tray

[01:40.79]But I gotta stay paid, gotta stay above water

[01:43.75]Couldn\’t keep up with my hoes, that\’s when shit got harder

[01:46.78]North Memphis where I\’m from, I\’m 7th Street bound

[01:50.07]Where niggaz all the time end up lost and never found

[01:53.03]Man these girls think we prove thangs, leave a big head

[01:55.94]They come hopin every night, they don\’t end up bein dead

[01:58.88]Wait I got a snow bunny, and a black girl too

[02:01.70]You pay the right price and they\’ll both do you

[02:04.83]That\’s the way the game goes, gotta keep it strictly pimpin

[02:07.85]Gotta have my hustle tight, makin change off these women, yeah

[02:10.46]You know it\’s hard out here for a pimp (you ain\’t knowin)

[02:13.14]When he tryin to get this money for the rent (you ain\’t knowin)

[02:16.14]For the Cadillacs and gas money spent (you ain\’t knowin)

[02:19.33]Because a whole lot of bitches talkin shit (you ain\’t knowin)

[02:22.81]You know it\’s hard out here for a pimp (you ain\’t knowin)

[02:25.96]When he tryin to get this money for the rent (you ain\’t knowin)

[02:28.77]For the Cadillacs and gas money spent (you ain\’t knowin)

[02:31.15]Will have a whole lot of bitches jumpin ship (you ain\’t knowin)




泰伦斯·霍华德(Terrence Dashon Howard),1969年3月11日出生于美国伊利诺伊州芝加哥,美国演员、歌手、监制。

1992年,因出演迷你剧《杰克逊一家的美国梦》而进入演艺界。1993年,出演电影处女作《Who\’s the Man?》。1996年,其主演的情景喜剧《Sparks》播出。

1999年,主演喜剧爱情片《伴郎》 。2001年,其主演的战争电影《哈特的战争》上映。2004年,主演犯罪片《撞车》 。2005年,在剧情片《川流熙攘》中饰演男一号迪杰,他因此入围了第78届奥斯卡金像奖最佳男主角奖 ;同年,获得第78届美国国家评论协会奖最有前途男演员奖。

2008年,在漫改电影《钢铁侠》中饰演“战争机器”詹姆斯·罗德斯上校 。2010年,主演悬疑剧集《法律与秩序:洛杉矶》 。2012年,主演战争电影《红色机尾》 。

2015年,其主演的音乐都市剧《嘻哈帝国》播出,并凭借该片获得第15届黑人娱乐电视大奖最佳男主角奖 。2017年,参演科幻故事选辑式剧集《电子梦:菲利普·狄克的世界》。



泰伦斯·霍华德在俄亥俄州的克利夫兰长大,过着一个艰苦的童年,经常受父亲虐待、体罚。1971年12月21日,霍华德的父亲在克利夫兰的一家百货商场看圣诞老人时与另一名男子起了争执,最终拔刀捅死了他,那时霍华德只有2岁。事后,父亲因过失杀人入狱11个月。获释后,霍华德的父母离婚,他后来被曾祖母抚养长大 。




