

情圣主题曲插曲片尾曲有哪些 BGM背景音乐大盘点









这是新找的正确的曲目单: Soundtrack: 1. This Ship Was Built to Last – The Duke Spirit 2. Mainstay (Unsettled Mix) – AM 3. Down in the Valley – The Broken West 4. Dr.Love – Bumblebeez, Chris Colonna 5. Been So Long – Uniào Black , Daniel Collàs 6. Hot Bed – The Whigs 7. International Travel Advisory – Interprété par Kurt Hagardorn crit par Kurt Hagardorn (ASCAP) 8. Last Time Rewind – Kurt Hagardorn 9. Do It Like This – Ashtar Command 10. First Time – Invaudio, Keatly Haldeman (BMI) 11. Big Star – Isa The Filthy Tongues Martin Metcalfe Derek Kelly 12. Right Hand On My Heart – The Whigs 13. Shak’em Loose Tonight – Rumspringa 14. Think of You – Reeve Carney 15. But My Heart Is Broken – Swimmer One, Hamish Brown and Andrew Eaton 16. Ms.November – The Silver Seas, Daniel Tashian 17. The Garden That You Planted – Sea Wolf , Alex Brown Church 18. Ode To LA – The Ravonettes 歌词: The Duke Spirit This Ship Was Built to Last Building a bridge across where we live. There are roots in my ground and i stretch across town. I couldn\’t care less if i live in my head. I\’ve shed all my tears and i\’m better than bored. Oh this ship was built to last, yeah Oh this ship was built to last. Move your hands on, release me in love, weather the rain and pleasure my skin. I\’m building a bridge across where we live, i\’ve fed all the hurt now i just have to learn How this ship was built to last, Oh this ship was built to last. See where she goes, that\’s where we go, the breeze takes my hand, this ship takes over. Oooooh! Drip upon drop overflowing the cup, running in light, i whip multiple cries, they echo around all the walls of my heart, yeah worry no more when love leans \’gainst the door. Oh this ship was built to last, Oh this ship was built to last, Oh this ship was built to last, Oh this ship was built to last, Yeah this ship was built to last. The Whigs Hot Bed Standing at the door There’s a man to me Shaking in my head As he starts to speak Can you just not be afraid? Can you just not be afraid? I don’t wanna hear what he’s gonna say In the quite home I can here you say I can you hear you now If you wanna speak Can you just not be afraid? You just not be afraid? I don’t wanna hear what you’re gonna say I don’t know if the past will change me all the time I don’t know if your words will haunt me all my life I don’t know will, I don’t know will I don’t know if you told me [????] Lyrics soundtrack: This Ship Was Built to Last (The Duke Spirit) listen Hot Bed (The Whigs) listen Right Hand On My Heart (The Whigs) listen Think of You (Reeve Carney) listen Ode To LA (The Ravonettes) listen The Whigs Right Hand On My Heart All the fallen leaves will find their branches again Raindrops from the heavens I\’ll eventually swim A river, an ocean, a wave in my heart We got your money now we\’ll make a new start All the fallen leaves will find their branches again Raindrops in the heavens I\’ll eventually swim River, an ocean, a wave in my heart We got your money now we\’ll make a new start In another week, promise? In another year, promise? Put your right hand on my heart All the fallen leaves will find their branches again The raindrops in the heavens I\’ll eventually swim Don\’t bypass the train-tracks that lead to my heart We got your money now we\’ll make a new start All the fallen leaves will find their branches again Raindrops in the heavens I\’ll eventually swim River, an ocean, a wave in my heart We got your money now we\’ll make a new start In another week, promise? In another year, promise? Put your right hand on my heart Your right hand on my heart Your right hand on my heart Feel the promise of my beating heart All the fallen leaves will find their branches again Raindrops in the heavens I\’ll eventually swim River, an ocean, a wave in my heart We got your money now we\’ll make a new start Reeve Carney Think of You When I\’m lost, you bring me back When I cry, you make me glad When I think I have it bad I think of You When I don\’t know where to go And I feel like I\’m alone When I hang my head down low I think of You Each night You wait outside my door Cause You want to know, I think of You… When I fall into a snare And it\’s all too much to bear When I think nobody cares I think of You When the going\’s getting tough And I feel like giving up When I think I\’ve had enough I think of You You\’ve always been and You\’ll always be Even to the end, I\’ll think of You You are the Way, the Truth, and the Life And I\’ll follow You… When it\’s time to say goodbye And a tear wells in my eye I can hold my head up high When I think of You My flesh is weak, but Your Spirit wills That my heart and mind, will think of You The Ravonettes Ode To LA Come on let\’s go to where it\’s fun I want a slice of L.A. sun Whoa ho ho ho Honey let\’s go (Feels like you never have to) Honey let\’s go (Come down you don\’t really want to) Honey let\’s go (Stay out is all you need to) Honey let\’s go (Go to sleep you don\’t really want to) So come along and pay the price This ain\’t New York this tasty slice Whoa ho ho ho Take a minute listen to this town Don\’t you ever feel you have to come Take a minute she won\’t let you down See you excited in her arms L.A. and all her crazy charms Whoa ho ho oh

电影情圣中的背景音乐 纯音乐



hang me oh hang me



1.《超级大英雄》片头曲汪东城《大英雄》 2.《超级大英雄》片尾曲任容萱《恋爱流感》作词:浅紫,作曲:都智文 3. 《超级大英雄》插曲《毫不客气喜欢你》演唱:都智文、作词:浅紫,作曲:都智文 4. 《超级大英雄》插曲《人来疯》都智文 作词



《霹雳先锋》 处女作品、凭借本色表演

《捕风汉子》 惯性表演状态

《最佳女婿》 惯性表演状态


《龙在天涯》 配角的巅峰表演

《义胆群英》 差强人意




《望夫成龙》 无厘头表演雏形、喜剧天份初露

《一本漫画闯天涯》 无厘头表演雏形、喜剧天份初露

《龙凤茶楼》 表现平平,但已被观众认可

《风雨同路》 表现平平,但已被观众认可

《咖喱辣椒》 完全盖过张学友的表演

《小偷阿星》 惯性表演状态

《师兄撞鬼》 惯性表演状态

《赌圣》 荣获当年度十大卖座影片第一名,开始与吴孟达拍档

《无敌幸运星》 表演一般

《江湖最后的一个大佬》 表演一般

《赌侠》 荣获当年度十大卖座影片第二名,周星驰名声大噪


《整蛊专家》 新题材喜剧影片、与王晶初步形成默契

《龙的传人》 无厘头表演定型

《新精武门1991》 无厘头表演定型

《逃学威龙》 暑期强档、当年度十大卖座影片第一

《赌侠2上海滩赌圣》 巩俐、方季惟分饰港版、台版女主角,周星驰已成票房保证

《情圣》 与毛舜筠演对手戏,但主角过多,“星”味平平

《豪门夜宴》 客串


《漫画威龙》 开始有人怀疑周星驰到底能坚持多久

《家有喜事》 香港最成功的喜剧之一、当年度十大卖座影片第二名

《逃学威龙2》 有滑铁卢之称

《审死官》 当年度十大卖座影片第一名

《鹿鼎记》 当年度十大卖座影片第三名

《鹿鼎记2神龙教》 当年度十大卖座影片第五名

《武状元苏乞儿》 当年度十大卖座影片第四名


《逃学威龙3龙过鸡年》 当年度十大卖座影片第七名,有人说这是周的最后一年

《唐伯虎点秋香》 当年度十大卖座影片第一名,周星驰***

《济公》 惨败


《破坏之王》 惯性表演

《九品芝麻官之白面包青天》 入选当年度十大卖座影片

《国产凌凌漆》 与袁咏仪擦出火花,无厘头表演完全成熟,与罗家英合作备受认可


《西游记之101回月光宝盒》 第二次转型,皆入选当年十大卖座影片,无厘头+浪漫+想像力


《回魂夜》 继续尝试转型,基本看不到本人面目,观众接受一般

《百变星君》 是当年周星驰影片票房最好的一部,属《整蛊专家》的延续


《大内密探零零发》 重复无厘头形式

《食神》 非常一般,但颇得好莱坞口碑,也是周星驰执导的第一部电影


《1997家有喜事》 与《家有喜事》相比,周星驰在喜剧表现上优势不明显

《算死草》 无厘头表演进入死胡同,带出葛民辉的喜剧才华


《行运一条龙》 痛苦的无厘头,但在导演手法上有不少进步,退格成配角


《喜剧之王》 第三次转型,深入喜剧表演形式,自编自导自演

《千王之王2000》 抛开无厘头,深入细致的喜剧表演完全盖过主角张家辉


《少林足球》 创造了香港有始以来最高票房,达到出道以来的事业顶峰


《功夫》 听说票房挺高的,深获美国好莱坞认可

2008 《长江七号》(已经上市)

2008年 《功夫2》(制作中)

2008 《西游记》(计划中)

2008 《青蜂侠》 (制作中)


1990 双天至尊 龙兄鼠弟

1989 他来自江湖 无冕急先锋 盖世豪侠

1988 铁血双雄 斗气一族 梦边缘 大都会 刑警本色

1987 阴阳界 生命之旅 欢乐今宵

1986 哥哥的女友 城市故事

1983 430穿梭机黑白僵尸 北斗双雄 老洞 再见十九岁 射雕英雄传 十三妹

1982 天龙八部 活力十一 苏乞儿 香城浪子 猎鹰



1991年 《非洲和尚》 Crazy Safari 。

2001年 《茅趸王》 The Foul King 。








