小美人鱼插曲-小美人鱼插曲under the sea


小美人鱼 动画片里的 插曲



英文版的也就是电影里面的那首叫做《part of your world》,百度就可以搜到


楼上说的那首 是金莎演唱的《小美人鱼》中文版插曲《我有我主张》,我在网上找不到可以听的地方。



Wooster Will Entertain You [bertie Jeeves]

Travel Hopefully [bertie, Bingo Jeeves]

That Was Nearly Us [honoria Bertie]

Love\’s Maze [stiffy, Bertie Co.]

The Hallo Song [bertie, Budge Gussie]


By Jeeves [bertie, Bingo Gussie]

When Love Arrives [bertie Madeline]

What Have You Got To Say, Jeeves! [bertie Jeeves]

Half A Moment [harold Stiffy]

It\’s A Pig! [honoria, Madeline Co.]

Banjo Boy [bertie Co.]

Wizard Rainbow Banjo Mix [the Company]



迪士尼动画片《小美人鱼》插曲《海洋之心》的英文版叫《Part of Your World》。

歌名:《Part of Your World》



所属专辑:Disney Princesses


Look at this stuff

Isn\’t it neat?

Wouldn\’t you think my collection\’s complete?

Wouldn\’t you think I\’m the girl

The girl who has ev\’rything?

Look at this trove

Treasures untold

How many wonders can one cavern hold?

Lookin\’ around here you\’d think


She\’s got everything

I\’ve got gadgets and gizmos aplenty

I\’ve got whozits and whatzits galore

You want thingamabobs?

I got twenty

But who cares?

No big deal

I want more

I wanna be where the people are

I wanna see

Wanna see \’em dancin\’

Walkin\’ around on those

Whad\’ya call \’em?

Oh – feet

Flippin\’ your fins you don\’t get too far

Legs are required for jumpin\’, dancin\’

Strollin\’ along down a

What\’s that word again?


Up where they walk

Up where they run

Up where they stay all day in the sun

Wanderin\’ free

Wish I could be

Part of that world

What would I give

If I could live

Outta these waters?

What would I pay

To spend a day

Warm on the sand?

Betcha on land

They understand

Bet they don\’t reprimand their daughters

Bright young women

Sick o\’ swimmin\’

Ready to stand

And I\’m ready to know what the people know

Ask \’em my questions

And get some answers

What\’s a fire and why does it

What\’s the word? Burn?

When\’s it my turn?

Wouldn\’t I love

Love to explore that shore up above?

Out of the sea

Wish I could be

Part of that world

Out of the sea

Wish I could be

Part of your world


美人鱼原声大碟专辑曲目: 1. One Original Thing – Cheyenne Kimball 2. Strike – Nikki Flores 3. Connected – Sara Paxton 4. Gentleman – Teddy Geiger 5. One And Only – Teitur 6. Island In The Sun – Emma Roberts 7. Time For Me To Fly – Jonas Brothers 8. Can\’t Behave – Courtney Jaye 9. Summertime Guys – Nikki Cleary 10. One Way Or Another – Mandy Moore 11. Sweet Troubled Soul – Stellastar 12. I Like The Way – Bodyrockers 电影原声带部分同样邀来青春实力偶像助阵,唱出新世代酸甜苦辣的情爱故事,来自德州创作型漂亮美妹Cheyenne Kimball,偕同制作/吉他高手Billy Mann(Jessica Simpson、Diana King、Pink)联合谱写之开场曲<One Original Thing>,流行度浓的吉他摇滚曲式伴随下,体验Cheyenne酷味十足之亮眼表现;似乎现在的偶像歌手除了拥有亮丽外型与称羡歌喉还不够,这位创作功力一把照的长腿妹妹Nikki Flores,在<Strike>中带来16岁最舒缓节奏蓝调加入些许异国情调摇滚调和的清新味觉;担任片中美人鱼主角的Sara Paxton,为此原声带献唱一首流行摇滚佳作<Connected>;2004年参加VH1的「In Search of the New Partridge Family」选拔赛,进而获得Billy Mann赏识签下一纸合约开启Teddy Geiger演艺事业,编曲、吉他、贝斯、钢琴、鼓等乐器一把罩,以成熟略带沙哑嗓音演唱动人佳音<Gentleman>;演出Clarire的美少女Emma Roberts,惊艳翻唱90年代成功崛起的另类摇滚团Weezer於2001年创下现代摇滚榜Top11之<Island In The Sun>,仍保留原曲那份轻快夏日摇摆风情;宣泄红极一时韩氏兄弟/Hanson流畅摇滚线条以及嗓音的另一家族三人男孩团Jonas Brothers,以<Summertime Guys>一曲带出最受好评之初次见面礼;受到嘻皮年代所释放出的独特魅力驱使,更喜爱冲浪的Courtney Jaye,不时享受阳光、海浪洗礼的踩著轻松自若曲调之<Can’t Behave>,调和出如雪瑞儿可洛无压新式民谣调调;青春偶像Mandy Moore重新翻唱Blondie 1979年畅销作<One Way Or Another>,耳尖的乐迷应该可听出来此原曲曾出现在卖座钜片女狼俱乐部之中。参考资料:

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